Zombie sean: The mystery wrapped in a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a track sweater and sometimes a tech vest. Haha hell no I would never wear one of those gay things. Can you say "introverted"?
This is my scary zombie truck. I stole it from a guy I killed [for his brains naturally]. It's great, because I can put zombie Bob and zombie Tucker in the back of the truck, so all their nasty rotting skin and stuff doesn't get all over my seats. Of course mine does, but I can tolerate that. I'm probably the only one in the world who is a zombie AND a clean freak. Everyone thinks I'm older than I really am, just because I'm a zombie, and this lets me get away with driving alone on a permit and such. I'm a very courteous driver so the cops don't really pull me over. That would be bad because ever since "the incident" I don't like to eat people who have guns. 
As you may have heard on other zombie websites, I'm really into paintball. In fact, being a zombie makes paintball much more interesting. Other players merely have to worry about welts and bruises from hits, while I stand a fair chance of losing my more vulnerable appendages in their rotted state. I typically don't eat paintballers. Unless they cheat. Or shoot me a lot. Or I'm really hungry. I shoot a PPS blazer right now. It's a sweet gun. I did a lot of research and it seemed like the best gun for a zombie out there. My typical strategy is to start the game staggering around, playing to the opposing player's preconceived image of what a zombie would play paintball like. After they get careless, I bust out with a quick track run, and lure the enemy into a trap. Zombie Tucker frequently uses me as bait in his ambushes. Together we are "the beat squad". I run track and cross country at my high school. I must say that the sight of a zombie in running shorts and a singlet is quite intimidating. Either that or I just stink. Because people tend to stay away from me in races. Runners have nice brains. They make good food. Plus their girly arms are no match for zombie hunger rage. I run into problems at meets though [I'm tempted to spell it "meat"] because I have to abstain from brains for awhile until I'm done competing. Brain [especially high quality brain, as opposed to the watered down stuff] just gives a killer side ache. Even my deadened zombie nerves can feel it. |