"Jam out!" -Napoleon at the battle of waterloo, tucker battling mormons, etc. etc. "But gaps are for going through!" -Me, arguing with examiner over automatic fail on DMV test "cool beans is most appropriate for english class" -Me, I'll leave you to wonder... "Sad but true: in cross country, the winner is often decided by who has to take a MASSIVE SHIT the least." -Me "YEAH! 3 INCH PRIDE!" -Ryan, a very brave man "How can you shoot women and children?!?!?!" "It's easy, you just don't lead them as much." -my uptight mother certainly wishes she knew... "you go south and if small children are accosting you saying "chicklet chicklet" you went too far" -My directions to San Diego "The Galois Theorem Suppose that SEX is not masturbation. Then lognSEX=0; where n is anything." -thespark.com, a site much funnier than mine "We need to find where god lives and TP him." "I peed on his bike tires once." -who knows, who cares "I would really appreciate it, and in turn would try NOT to destroy my gun any further." -Me begging for free spare parts from a manufacturer "You are a sick freak with a foul mouth" -My uncle after he saw this site "You know damn right!" -Kirpal, on a rampage after his dog was kicked "Jesus! All you need now is your opium pipe and the image is finished." -My dad, upon entering room "No no, don't think that, no one likes you either." -Somebody "Damn I'm hungry" -Me "You want half?" -Me hunched over corpse, asking Zombie Tucker
